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Events ~ February 2020

CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING ~ Tuesday, March 10th ~ 2:00pm --  All council members

                                        please try to attend!!


LADIES BIBLE STUDY ~ Tuesday, March 10th ~ 6:30PM -- All ladies of the church are

                                        asked to attend and invite a friend


QUARTERLY BUSINESS MEETING.~ All church members please attend.


RV ADULT DAYCARE SINGING ~ Friday, Feb 14th ~ 10:30am -- We will be singing for the

                                       residents.  Everyone is invited to join us.  Meet there at 10:30am or at the

                                       church at 10:15am.


KIDS4CHRIST MEETING ~ Friday,  March 13th ~ 5:00pm.   This will be our monthly

                                        meeting and all youth are encouraged to attend & invite a friend!


DEACONS MEETING ~ Thursday, March 12th ~ 2:00PM -- All Deacons please attend!!


PRAYING WOMEN / BROTHERHOOD ~ Wednesday, March 18th ~ 6:00PM                     

                                        Everyone please try to attend.  Refreshments provided by A & B-Teams.


WMU MUG & MUFFIN FELLOWSHIP Sat, March 14th --10:30AM ~ All ladies of the

                                        church are invited.


LIBERTY COMMONS SINGING ~ FRI, MARCH 20TH ~ 6:30pm ~ Everyone is invited to join

                                        us to fellowship with the residents.


SPAGHETTI PLATE SALE ~ FRI, MARCH 20TH ~ 11am - 2pm ~ Eat-in or Take-out. Plates

                                        are $8,00 each & include spaghetti, bread, salad, & dessert


SIGNATURE HEALTHCARE SINGING ~ Sat, March 28th ~ 10:30AM  ~ Everyone is invited

                                         to join us.


COMMUNION ~ Sunday, March 29th 11:00AM ~ Observed during Morning Worship.


5th SUNDAY NIGHT SINGSPIRATION ~ Sun, March 29th ~ 6:00PM ~  Please let Joy know ASAP if you plan to sing a song
























Carol Reichert......................................03/08

Ann Butler...........................................03/14

Melinda Hite .......................................03/16

Barbara King.......................................03/20

Sandy Eubanks....................................03/25



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